Sickness Absence & Stress Management Techniques by Expert Psychologists

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Employee well-being is a better predictor of people’s productivity than job satisfaction. We work with organisations to reduce sickness absence and stress by improving employee well-being.

Ask About Our Online Remote Video Enabled Version of This Psychological Assessment. Find Out More Here About the Process Here

Well-Being Assessments

Employee well-being takes into account physical, social, emotional, environmental, developmental and occupational considerations all within the context of the workplace. By measuring people’s well-being directly and comprehensively across all relevant dimensions, organisations are able to deliver a robust approach that’s based on facts, needs and priorities. The alternative is to waste time and resource on initiatives that are misjudged and ineffective.

Stress Management Techniques, Stress Management Tips, and Stress Managment Strategies

Learn More About Sickness Absence

Learn More About Stress Management

We deliver organisational well-being assessments, engagement surveys and leadership impact assessments.

Well-being significantly reduces your organisation’s costs and improves profitability. We work with teams to ensure that the balance is right as some things might make one person ill and another thrive in the same organisation. A key part of our approach is to assess the factors that motivate key work teams and design policies and management processes to maintain, healthy, high performing teams.

We design policies and strategies that facilitate well-being and work life balance, thus reducing sickness absence, staff turnover and employment tribunal claims.

Responsibility for health and wellbeing at work belongs to both employers and employees. The key factors that can determine whether employees will have a positive or negative relationship a work are assessed are part of our well-being assessments, key factors include:

  • the relationships between line managers and employees
  • whether employees are involved in organisational issues and decisions
  • job design
  • availability and acceptability of flexible working
  • awareness of occupational health issues

Our effective well-being strategies help to reduce internal conflict, support people during big changes, and tackle expensive risks to productivity, such as poor performance and negative behaviours, legal grievance and disciplinary costs.

We help design and promote a culture of participation, equality and fairness that is based on open communication and inclusion. If your employees are in robust physical and mental health, feel happy in their work and are well supported by managers and leaders, they will be more engaged, more motivated, more productive, more resilient, less prone to absenteeism and more likely to stay with your organisation for longer.

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Advanced Assessments - Psychologists for Legal, Education and Employment
Open Now - 24 hour Service - Open Weekends
We work throughout the UK

UK: +44 208 200 0078 Emergencies: +44 7071 200 344

180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HF
Also at: Westhill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 9 Swain's Lane, London N6 6QS
Please do not attend our office if you do not have an appointment

We are a part of the Strategic Enterprise Group