Neuropsychologist - Neuropsychological Assessment

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Neuropsychology Assessment

Neuropsychological assessment is a way of objectively assessing cognitive function and mental status, which includes memory IQ and the amount of time it takes to process information. Neuropsychological assessments assess the individual's performance on a range of neuropsychological tests. Neuropsychological assessments examine how brain damage and brain disorders affect the individual. These cognitive tests assess cognitive functions associated with specific areas of the brain to help to identify and treat conditions that affect the brain such as severe mental illness; brain disease and neurodevelopmental disorders. These neuropsychometric tests of the brain's functioning help diagnose several disabilities which impact on the individual's:

  • cognition;
  • memory;
  • attention;
  • judgement;
  • reasoning ability;
  • spatial functions;
  • language functions;
  • problem solving ability;
  • the quality of their evidence;
  • their understanding;
  • their ability to carry out their normal day to day activities; and
  • their ability to learn.

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Neuropsychology Definition

What is Neuropsychology? Neuropsychology is a specialist area of psychology which focuses on the brain and the central nervous system and how these impact on people's abilities and behaviour. We conduct assessments of the impact of brain disorders caused by personal injury, neurodevelopmental disorders, and stress. These neuropsychological assessments form part of our mental capacity assessments, applications for special measures, and reasonable adjustments in employment and education.

What Is A Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Neuropsychological evaluation is an assessment of how one’s brain functions. Typically such assessments include a range of psychometric tests, and in-depth structured interview and the collection of evidence.

How Long Does A Neuropsychological Assessment Take?

A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment can last 2 to 3 full days with breaks to avoid fatigue. If the individual who is assessed has complex needs and speaks English as a second additional language, the process might take longer. Reasonable adjustments are made to the assessment process when necessary to ensure the assessment process is valid, and reliable and as unobtrusive as possible.

What Is Involved In A Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Our neuropsychological assessments are comprehensive and may include an objective evaluation of:

  • Intellectual ability.
  • Verbal intellectual ability.
  • Language skills
  • Ability to reason without words and visuospatial problem-solving skills.
  • Working memory.
  • Long term memory.
  • Ability to learn.
  • Visual memory.
  • Ability to think flexibly
  • Ability to concentrate and stay focused.
  • Ability to pay attention.
  • Speed at which information is processed ― Processing speed.
  • Executive function ― the set of interrelated mental skills which include self-control, ability to think flexibly, regulate emotions and working memory.
  • Motor function ― hand movements, balance, walking and coordination
  • Planning ability
  • Decision making ability
  • Dementia specific tests where necessary.
  • Depression.
  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Mental illness.
  • Personality.
  • Malingering and symptom exaggeration.
  • Whether neuropsychological assessment test results are valid

    Our expert psychologists do not just use neuropsychological tests in isolation; we will also carry out a structured interview and examine documents such as medical records, educational records and performance appraisals produced by employers.

    Neuropsychological tests are completed by computers. The neuropsychologist will discuss the neuropsychological report with you on an additional appointment, and you will work in partnership with the neuropsychologist to develop strategies to treat their neuropsychological condition

    What Is A Neuropsychologist?

    A neuropsychologist is a psychologist that has considerable expertise in how, things that go wrong with the brain’s development, illnesses of the brain and brain damage impacts on behaviour and the ability of the brain to function effectively. Neuropsychologists evaluate and treat disorders and brain trauma which typically impairs the brain’s cognitive functioning.

    What Does A Neuropsychologist Do?

    How Can Neuropsychologists Help?

    A neuropsychologist helps by firstly providing the neuropsychological assessment of the underlying neuropsychological condition, carefully teasing it out from other mental health condition such as depression, or sleep disorders.

    A neuropsychologist can help by providing treatment. Treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); psycho-education; counselling and coaching. These neurpsychological treatments help the individual adjust and develop strategies to deal with the neuropsychological condition.

    Clinical Neuropsychology

    What Is A Clinical Neuropsychologist?

    What is clinical neuropsychology? A clinical neuropsychologist is skilled in understanding the link between brain and behaviour. They have a detailed knowledge of problems mental illness and in-depth knowledge in neurosciences. A clinical neuropsychologist is concerned with the link between brain and behaviour and diagnoses and rehabilitates patients with neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, medical and neurological conditions as well as learning disorders. A paediatric neuropsychologist specialises exclusively with children.

    Neuropsychologist Near Me

    Our neuropsychologists work nationally. We offer home-based appointments and where appropriate online neuropsychological evaluations by Skype, Zoom or telephone. These online neuropsychological evaluations include a series of online neuropsychological tests.

    Neuropsychological Testing UK

    Neuropsychological testing throughout the UK. We have centres in London, Birmingham and Nottingham and can arrange home visits, carry out assessments at your place of work or book assessments at local assessment centres close to you.

    Occupational Neuropsychological Reports

    We work with employers, employees, trade unions and occupational health departments to provide occupational neuropsychological reports. Where possible, we advise on reasonable adjustments so that the individual will be able to return to work. Our neuropsychologists provide training for managers and coaching for individuals who have neuropsychological conditions in the workplace.

    Neuropsychology Assessment

    What is Neuropsychological Assessment?

    Neuropsychology assessments can be used to assess and monitor the progress of treatment of conditions such as dementia, amnesia, aphasia, agnosia, subarachnoid haemorrhage, head injury, multiple sclerosis, and other traumatic conditions. Neuropsychological assessments can be used to identify ADHD, Autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, degenerative conditions and monitor the recovery of functioning and response to treatment.

    Forensic Neuropsychology

    Forensic neuropsychological assessments are provided for personal injury, employment, civil and criminal cases. Our expert neuropsychologists advise in cases where cognition how neuropathological conditions impact on mental capacity, thinking skills, culpability, intention to commit a crime or civil wrong. Our expert neuropsychologists advise legal professionals when an individual's actions are not the result of neuropathological conditions. Our forensic neuropsychological assessments can objectively determine when an individual is feigning a neuropathological condition and also identify other factors including psychopathy, personality disturbances and psychiatric conditions. These issues are often central to personal injury claims, and assessments of fitness to plead.

    Neuropsychometric Assessment ― Free From Bias

    Our neuropsychometric assessments are carefully designed to ensure that they are valid and reliable measures of performance across clearly defined cognitive domains. We pride our self in ensuring that there is no adverse impact when using our psychometric tests, with Black and Minority Communities, people with with disabilities, women and individuals whose first language is not English. Our neuropsychometric assessments are valid; reliable bias-free measures of brain dysfunction across several neural substrates.

    Our neuropsychometric assessments accurately assess the performance of individuals when compared to others of similar age, education, and professional experience. Our neuropsychometric assessments focus on the individual's strengths, carefully making comparisons between their abilities on the left and right-hand sides of their bodies. Our neuropsychometric assessment will identify pathogenic signs and specific test results that identify distinct disorders of the brain across a diverse range of populations without test bias. Our expert neuropsychologists use neuropsychometric assessments to identify test scores that are typical for specific brain diseases and specific types of brain damage.

    Neuropsychological Assessment Tests

    Neuropsychological Test for Intelligence

    • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).
    • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).
    • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI).
    • Wide Range Intelligence Test.
    • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales.
    Click here to go to the Free Standford-Binet Test

    Neuropsychological Tests for Memory

    • Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS)
    • Test of Memory and Learning (TOMAL)

    Neuropsyhological Tests for Language

    • Boston Naming Test
    • Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination

    Neuropsychological Tests for Executive Function

    • Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment (KBNA)
    • Symbol Digit Modalitites Test
    • Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)

    Neuropsychological Tests for Visuospatial Ability

    • Clock Test
    • Rey-Osterrith Complex Figure

    Dementia specific Neuropsychologilcal Tests

    • The Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale
    • Clinical Dementia Rating

    Neuropsychological Test Batteries

    • Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
    • Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)
    • General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOPG)
    • Neuropsychological Assessmemt Battery

    Neuropsychological Reports

    Neuropsychological Assessment Reports

    Our neuropsychological reports include:

    • An executive summary;
    • Details of the reason for referral;
    • A summary of the interview and observations;
    • A summary of the presentation during the assessment;
    • A summary of the relevant medical history and premorbid functioning;
    • Family and developmental history;
    • A section on social, educational and vocational history;
    • An Analysis of the neuropsychological test results;
    • Strategies for addressing neuropsychological problems;
    • Recommendations for treatment; and
    • A summary of conclusions.

    Our neuropsychological reports are written in a way which is useful to both the patient and other professionals. Our style is to focus on the strengths identified during the neuropsychological assessment and work with you to identify realistic strategies to combat the weaknesses in the feedback session.

    Neuropsychological Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    Neuropsychological assessment for traumatic brain injury patients is very helpful in helping them to identify their problems and plan rehabilitation and treatment. It can also help with the psychosocial issues that arise out of traumatic brain injury and impact on both patients, those who provide care for them and their employers.

    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have an impact on psychological, cognitive, physical and emotional functioning. Traumatic brain injuries often occur following car accidents, sporting accidents or during violent criminal attacks. We would also recommend neurocognitive testing for concussion.

    Following traumatic brain injury, individuals often report difficulties remembering things, including the right word; concentrating and multitasking. Many individuals have difficulties with spelling and academic tasks. Traumatic brain injury can also lead to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Our neuropsychiatric assessments examine the link between mental health and brain desease

    Neuropsychological Assessment Child

    What Is Involved In A Neuropsychological Assessment?

    A neuropsychological assessment for a child is often different to a psychoneurological evaluation for an adult. A neuropsychological assessment for a child aims to identify cognitive and behavioural disorders early. We use developmental assessment scales and neuropsychological tests to create a neuropsychological profile.

    In our child neuropsychological assessments we first spend time speaking with the parents or guardians. We may also need to discuss the child's performance with the school. If there are teachers in the school that know the child very well and can comment on the child’s functioning. We may ask teachers to complete neuropsychological assessment instruments about the child's neuropsychological problems. In some paediatric neuropsychological assessments, we may also observe the child in the school. Where there are no teachers who can provide in-depth information to assist with the neuropsychological evaluation, our expert neuropsychologists may also ask a relative to complete neurocognitive assessment tools.

    Neuropsychological assessment can also be used to diagnose conditions such as ADHD, as individuals with ADHD have a distint cognitive profile.

    The neuropsychological measures will be used to identify why the child may be having problems at school and how this may relate to the health of their brain.

    Following our neuropsychological examination, we may well recommend additional support for children and adolescents who have neuropsychological impairments. Sometimes this support can form part of the child's Education and Health Care Plan.

    Find Out More About Neuropsychological Assessments

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    Advanced Assessments - Psychologists for Legal, Education and Employment
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    180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HF
    Also at: Westhill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 9 Swain's Lane, London N6 6QS
    Please do not attend our office if you do not have an appointment

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