Private Dyslexia Assessments by Psychologists In Greater London and Throughout the UK
- Over 50 years experience, quality expert reports fast by top psychologists.
- Dyslexia assessment and autism testing experts, we carry out assessments for education, employment and court in civil and criminal proceedings.
- Local assessment centres in London, Birmingham, Nottingham. Home based assessments by Zoom or Microsoft Teams for children and adults are available throughout the UK and internationally.
London Dyslexia Assessment Centres
Advanced Assessments Ltd
49 St. James’s Street
St. James's
London SW1A 1JT
Advanced Assessments Ltd
Highgate Consulting Rooms
West Hill House
9 Swain’s Lane
London N6 6QS
Ask About Our Online Remote Video Enabled Version of This Psychological Assessment. Find Out More Here About the Process Here
Albert Einstein Was A Dyscalexc Who Went On To Achieve Great Things Using Dyslexic Thinking

How Are Your Dyslexia Evaluations Carried Out?
We provide comprehensive dyslexia diagnostic assessments. Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is also called a specific learning disability with an impairment in reading The assessments are undertaken by expert registered psychologists who diagnose dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.
Our dyslexia diagnostic assessment involves an assessment of the following:
- An assessment of handwriting and handwriting speed using the Detailed Assessment of Handwriting Speed.
- Reading ability, including reading speed, using the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests (Third Edition).
- Phonological Processing (using the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (Second Edition).
- Working Memory (using the Test of Memory and Learning (Second Edition).
- IQ (The ability to reason with words and without words) using the Wide Range Intelligence Test.
- Processing Speed using the Symbol Digit Modalities Test or the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing.
- Spelling is assessed using the Wide Range Achievement Test (Forth Edition).
We may use other tests to diagnose dyslexia depending on our specific requirements and the examinee's needs. If you wish to upgrade to a Level 2 dyslexia assessment we will use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition (WISC®-V) I or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Fourth UK Edition). (WAIS-IV) The cost of an upgrade is an additional £300.
We use additional procedures when we carry out medicolegal dyslexia assessments. We do not certify our standard dyslexia assessments for use in legal proceedings.
We will also work with the examinee to draft a developmental history using our developmental history template and dyslexia screening questionnaire.Following the assessment process, the examinee will receive a comprehensive report that meets the rigorous standards of the Specific Learning Disabilities Assessment Standards Committee, the SpLD Test Evaluation Committee STEC) (DfES Guidelines) 2014 and the Joint Council for Qualifications Guidelines. As such, the report is suitable for education and employment. Our reports meet the required standards of Student Finance England.
Cost of Our Dyslexia Assessments
The report will be approximately 35 to 45 pages long and provide a detailed analysis of strengths and areas of support needed, along with recommended reasonable adjustments.
Dyslexia assessments are not available on the NHS. The cost of a non-urgent dyslexia assessment is £475 via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Non-urgent reports are released within four weeks from the assessment date, and the return of all work. Students will probably need about three hours for the assessment. If the examinee requires an urgent assessment with a report within seven days, the fee is £950 for a Zoom or Microsoft Teams assessment.
Our online assessments are just as valid and reliable as face-to-face assessments. Face-to-face assessments are charged at a fee of £200 for the first hour and then £200 for each additional hour in addition to the base assessment fee.
How To Find the Next Assessment Dates and Pay by Credit or Debit Card
If the person to be assessed wants to find a date that suits them and pay the fee by credit card, they can do so for most assessments by completing the following payment link: Dyslexia Assessment Booking Link. Alternatively call to by by credit or debit card over the phone.
To pay by bank transfer and book, please visit the following URL , provide the necessary information, and indicate that you would like to pay by bank transfer.
Coaching, Therapy and Additional Consultation Meetings
We provide ongoing treatment and support through coaching, talking therapy, CBT, counselling, and tuition, which is charged at £100 per 30-minute session.
Workplace Needs Assessments
Assessments for use in employment will incur a higher fee. We recommend that clients book a Workplace Needs Assessment for £795 plus VAT to complement their dyslexia assessment.
Support and Access to Funding if You Have Dyslexia
Our reports can be used to support reasonable adjustments in education, including extra time in exams, the Disabled Student Allowance financial grant in higher education and Education and Health Care Plans. Our clients also use our reports for reasonable adjustments in employment and to support applications for Access to Work grants.
Pablo Picasso Was Another Famous Dyslexic Thinker

Dyslexia Assessments and Dyscalculia Testing
Dyslexia experts we make recommendations for extra time in exams, reasonable adjustments in selection for jobs and in the workplace for individuals with specific learning disabilities (SpLD). Our reports will enable those suffering from dyslexia to obtain reasonable adjustments such as extra time in exams, financial support from Student Finance England (for Disabled Students Allowance) and adaptations to their work demands (Funded by Access to Work). We deliver ongoing advice and support to help teachers and employers put in place strategies to ensure that those with dyslexia and dyscalculia are able to perform on a level playing field. Employers and educational institutions will require your to produce a full recent dyslexia diagnostic assessment. Employers, Student Finance England, the Department for Work and Pensions and Employment Tribunals all prefer that dyslexia assessments that are carried out by qualified chartered psychologists; Learn why they will not accept the results of self administered dyslexia screening tests as evidence of disability under the Equality Act 2010. You can download our free screening test here to determine whether you should book a full diagnostic assessment by clicking the following link. Free Dyslexia Screening Test: If your results are positive you can book an assessment by visiting our home page and downloading a booking pack.
We recommend reasonable adjustments in the work place and provide employees with reports to access funding from Access to Work. We also provide dyslexia assessments for employment tribunal disability discrimination claims. A full assessment will use a range of standardised tests to assess literacy, numeracy, language, memory and processing skills. The assessment will also test general language abilities, cognitive skills, and verbal reasoning. All these tests for adults and children will be administered and interpreted by a chartered psychologist specialising in dyslexia for a formal diagnosis of dyslexia, the full assessment will take around three hours. We produce high quality reports written in accordance with the Specific Learning Disability Working Group 2005/DfES Guidelines for the Assessment of specific learning disabilities in higher education as recommended by SpLD Assessments Standards Committee (SASC). Dyslexia is typically diagnosed by a chartered occupational psychologist, clinical psychologist or an educational psychologist. We are members of the British Dyslexia Association Click this link for more free information on diagnosing dyslexia.
Find out More About Dyslexia and the Law - Read Our Blog
Dyspraxia is sometimes called Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) we typically use the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration as one of the tests to diagnose dyspraxia. The symptoms vary across individuals however, there is normally difficulty with coordination and fine motor movements. Some people find typing, ball games, tying shoelaces, riding a bicycle challenging. Dyspraxia sometimes occurs with other specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
Autism Assessments
Autism experts we carry out autism diagnosis and support for adults and children suffering from autism including high functioning autism (Aspergers Syndrome) at our Autism Assessment Centre. We set up personalised programmes so that sufferers can participate fully in education and employment. Assessment and diagnosis of autism is undertaken by a chartered psychologist using the gold standard assessment instruments such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2), the Diagnostic Interview for Social Communication (DISCO) and Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R) this is supplemented by additional tests of autism spectrum disorders and intelligence. Recommendations for reasonable adjustments at work or placement at a particular educational establishment are then made with the assistance of tests such as the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS-3). In criminal proceedings our assessments consider the impact of autism on offending, sentencing and fitness to plead. More information on diagnosing autism can be found here.
Why not download a free screening test, iif the results show that you and your family with are likely to have Autism you will need a face to face assessment with our chartered psychologists to confirm that diagnosis, download the screening test by clicking the following link:
Find out more about the treatment of autism
ADHD testing
Our ADHD experts carry out assessments of ADHD for reasonable adjustments in education such as extra time, additional tutorial support and financial support (DSA) from Student Finance England . We respond to all enquiries within a day and provide comprehensive written reports including recommendations within 2 weeks of instruction. The diagnostic criteria for ADHD can be found here. We accept payment by credit card and cases funded by the Legal Aid Agency. Our psychologist will carry out the assessment in a non-threatening environment.
Learn More About the Assesment of Specific Learning Disabilities
- Disabled Student Allowance – Guidance on Evidence
- Form 8 – Evidence Required for Extra Time in School Exams
- Specific Learning Disability Assessment Tools
- Specific Learning Disability Assessment Guidance Downloads
- Specific Learning Disability Working Group 2005/DfES Guidelines
- Changes in the DSM-5 Criteria for Specific Learning Disorder
- DSM-5 Criteria for Specific Learning Disorder
Dyslexia In Teenagers - What to Look For

A Basic Dyslexia Test to Take To Decide Whether To Booking A Full Dyslexia Diagnostic Assessment
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Advanced Assessments - Psychologists for Legal, Education and Employment
Open Now - 24 hour Service - Open Weekends
We work throughout the UK
UK: +44 208 200 0078 Emergencies: +44 7071 200 344
Advanced Assessments - Expert Witnesses & Psychologists, 4th Floor, 49 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1JT
180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9ER
Also at: Westhill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 9 Swain's Lane, London N6 6QS
Please do not attend our office if you do not have an appointment
Twitter: @ExpertWitness_
We are a part of the Strategic Enterprise Group