Private Autism Assessments in Birmingham: Specialized Support for Students, Employees, and Legal Professionals
In Birmingham, private autism assessments are increasingly valuable for students, employees, employers, and even legal professionals who need fast, reliable, and accessible evaluations. While public options exist, private assessments offer flexibility and faster results, allowing individuals to gain a clearer understanding of their needs. Advanced Assessments, a trusted provider, offers both online autism assessments and in-person evaluations starting at £1,200.
Why Choose a Private Autism Assessment?
Opting for a private ASD assessment can provide significant advantages over public services, especially when timely results are needed. Unlike NHS waiting lists, private assessments offer:
- Quicker access to autism diagnosis for adults and children.
- Detailed, individualized reports that cater to educational accommodations, workplace support, and legal requirements.
- Flexible options for autism assessment online or face-to-face autism assessments, ensuring accessibility for Birmingham residents and beyond.
With Advanced Assessments, individuals can benefit from specialized autism diagnostics tailored to their needs, whether seeking an adult autism assessment or a pediatric autism evaluation near me.
Private Autism Assessments for University Students in Birmingham
For university students, an adult autism evaluation near me can make a meaningful difference in academic success and overall well-being. A formal autism diagnosis unlocks essential support and accommodations in Birmingham’s universities, such as extended deadlines, quiet study spaces, and mentorship programs.
Advanced Assessments provides private autism assessments for students in Birmingham, helping universities create an inclusive learning environment. By choosing a private ASD assessment, students can gain valuable insights into their strengths and challenges, helping them make the most of their educational experiences.
Private Autism Assessments for Employees and Employers in Birmingham
As Birmingham workplaces become more inclusive, private autism assessments are helping both employees and employers understand the unique contributions of neurodiverse individuals. For employees, an autism diagnostic assessment can clarify whether workplace adjustments could enhance productivity and satisfaction. Employers, on the other hand, benefit from fostering an inclusive culture and supporting neurodiverse team members.
Advanced Assessments offers autism evaluations tailored to workplace needs, covering:
- Adjustments for employees, such as flexible schedules or modified workspaces.
- Employer support through training and policy recommendations for neurodiversity in the workplace.
These autism assessments empower Birmingham businesses to support a more inclusive and productive work environment.
Private Autism Assessments for Legal Professionals: Supporting Solicitors, Barristers, and Courts
In Birmingham’s legal field, understanding autism is crucial for fair representation in court. Autism assessments for solicitors, barristers, and courts allow legal professionals to understand and accommodate clients, witnesses, or defendants on the autism spectrum. A private autism diagnosis ensures individuals are represented accurately, with their unique needs and behaviours understood.
Advanced Assessments provides specialized autism evaluations for legal professionals, supporting solicitors, barristers, and courts in Birmingham with tailored autism diagnostics. With these insights, legal teams can approach cases with empathy and accuracy, fostering fair treatment.
Online vs. Face-to-Face Autism Assessments: Accessible Options for Birmingham
With Advanced Assessments, clients in Birmingham can choose between online autism assessments and in-person autism evaluations. Online options offer the convenience of a home setting, especially beneficial for those with sensory sensitivities or mobility challenges. In-person assessments allow for a traditional, face-to-face approach, ideal for individuals who feel more comfortable sharing experiences in person.
Getting Started with Advanced Assessments in Birmingham
If you’re looking to get tested for autism in Birmingham, Advanced Assessments offers professional, comprehensive evaluations starting from £1,200. Whether you're seeking an autism diagnosis for adults, a paediatric autism evaluation near me, or an ASD assessment for specific professional needs, our team is ready to assist.
Reach out today for a consultation and take the first step toward a supportive, informed understanding of autism through Advanced Assessments. With options for both online autism diagnosis and private autism assessments near you, we're here to meet Birmingham's diverse needs.
Private Autism Assessment By Expert Psychologists In Birmingham and Throughout the UK
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Autism Autism Diagnostic Assessments
Our expert psychologists carry out autism diagnostic assessments for both adults and children across the spectrum at our Autism Assessment Centres at Advanced Assessments Ltd, One Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD. We also provide online autism diaganostic assessments
Autism also is known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a life long developmental disorder which severely affects social interaction, language development, communication, processing information and issues engaging in an everyday environment. Currently, autism affects around 700,000 people but 2.8 million if including the family members of those with the disability. Symptoms show after the first three years of birth. For further clarification, autism is not an illness or disease but rather, a neurodevelopmental condition hence it is categorised by a set of repetitive behaviours because the brains of Autistic people are wired differently, and it cannot be cured. Commonly, people with ASD usually have a co-morbidity (more than one) mental health disorder such as anxiety, depression, dyslexia or ADHD. The way Autistic people perceive the world through their five senses does not allow them to cope with elements of society in which cases may require institutional care. To find out more about autism, click the link
Call us on + 44 (0) 208 200 0078
ASD Assessment Process, Different Levels of Assessment and Fees
We use the best possible gold standard tests for our autism assessments.
The cost of our Level 1 autism assessment and report is £1,200; you will receive the report within four weeks of your assessment. The person who is assessed will be assessed by observing them using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (Second Edition) (ADOS-2).
Alternatively, we will carry out a two-hour Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R) with the person to be assessed by parents. If you need a report within seven days from the date of our assessment, the cost of the assessment is £2,500. If you require a face-to-face assessment, please add £200 per for the first hour and then £200 for each additional hour to hour to these fees, online assessments are just as valid and reliable as face-to-face assessments.
Our Level 2 autism assessment includes any two of the following the ADI-R, ADOS-2 or an Interview with someone that knows the person well using the Social Responsiveness Questionnaire (SRS-2). A Level 2 assessments provide more information they are more robust. It costs £1,900 for a report within four weeks and £3,800 for a report within seven days. If you require a face-to-face assessment, please also add the face-to-face fee of £200 per hour of assessment.
Level 3 assessments include the same assessments as our Level 2 assessments and an assessment of intellectual ability/learning disability and adaptive functioning using an IQ test and the Adaptive Assessment Behaviour System (Third Edition). A Level 3 autism assessment and report within four weeks is £2,400, and an assessment within seven days costs £4,800. If you would like to be assessed face-to-face, there is an additional £200 per hour of face-to-face assessment in addition to the core fee.
We work with the person assessed to produce a developmental history in all assessments. We also ask examinees or people who know them well to complete the Behavioural Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF-2 or BRIEF-A). For young people under 18, their parents or someone who has known them for at least six months also complete the Autism Symptoms Rating Scales (ASRS). Additional BRIEF-2, BRIEF-A or ASRS can be provided for an additional fee. If available, we will consider evidence from professionals such as teachers, GPs, psychiatrists, paediatricians, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists. Hence, a multidisciplinary team can contribute to the assessment.
If you require a multidisciplinary autism psychological assessment, the fee for each of our additional psychologists is £200 per hour.
How To Find the Next Available Date and Pay By Credit or Debit Card
If you want to find a date to book and pay the fee by credit or debit card, you can do so for most assessments by completing the following payment links:
Level 2 Autism Assessment Booking Link
Level 3 Autism Assessment Booking Link
Many clients use the above payment links to pay by PayPal who may offer you a buy now pay later over instalment service for our assessments. If you have private health insurance some private health providers will refund the fees for our assessments.
We only carry out autism assessments that are not being used in legal proceedings at weekends. Please complete the online booking form with your preferred date if you would like to pay by bank transfer.
You cannot pay for a face-to-face assessment by credit or debit for face-to-face assessments, they will incur an additional fee of £200 per hour.
Please note that these assessments are not certified for use in legal proceedings if you require a report to be used in a court or tribunal, you will need to book an expert witness assessment. Assessments for use in employment will also incur a higher fee than our educational assessments.
ASD Report
At the end of the process, a detailed report is produced;We produce robust and comprehensive high-quality ASD reports.
Find Out More About Autism and Autism Assessments
Teaching Autism
Autism Diagnostic Tests and Autism Assessments
Autism Quotient - Free Autism Screening Test
Autism and ADHD
Autism Diagnostic Assessments
Find Out More About Autism:
Autism Symptoms
What Are the Symptoms of Autism?
People with autism generally have impairments in their social interaction, which are identified early in their childhood. They cannot perceive others which embodies itself in their non-verbal communications with others, affecting their ability to make friends and can cause them to suffer from isolation and depression if they cannot have a few to improve their quality of life.
Verbal communication is also a daily struggle with a third of autistic people being unable to develop natural speech, including delayed onset babbling, less responsiveness and gestures which do not follow the flow of their speech. They also show problems with imaginative play, developing symbols into language.
The third characteristic which defines this disorder is repetitive and restricted behaviours which fall under the categories of stereotyped behaviour, compulsive behaviours, sameness, ritualistic behaviour and self-injury. Find out more about Autism Symptoms.
Autism Spectrum
What is the Autism Spectrum?
As previously mentioned, autism is a spectrum which means that there is a range of severity to the extent that some people may have a slight disability in social interaction or may need a carer to help with everyday tasks because of the difficulty to function normally. The range of disorders fall under the title Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) for mental health disorders but referred as Autism Spectrum Disorders, and all bring issues with behaviour and social communication.
What is High Functioning Autism?
This term is an informal diagnosis used for people who can do the typical day to day tasks such as speaking, read and write, eating and getting dressed. These people can live independently and are usually indistinguishable from everyone else.
People with high functioning disposition struggle with social interaction, much like the other types. They might get anxious in social situations primarily because of their inability to read social cues to the point where they will shut down. Therefore, these people struggle to make friends. High functioning autistic people like to follow a routine to the extent where their repetitive habits may seem weird of eccentric to others. Their performance in academia and a profession can vary. They can be high achievers or underachievers, but their social skills still prove as a disadvantage.
What is Asperger’s Syndrome?
Asperger’s syndrome is characterised by a pattern of symptoms rather than a single symptom. As is it a milder form, these people usually have close if not normal levels of intelligence and language skills, but their unique obsession around one topic defines their disorder and the behaviours which they engage in are linear and repetitive. The symptoms for this disorder include impairments in social interaction such as a lack of emotional reciprocity, poor non-verbal communication (eye contact, gestures, body language) and selective mutism which is not speaking to most people but speaking to a few intensely on a topic which they enjoy.
What is Rett’s Syndrome?
Rett's is a rare and severe neurological disorder, mainly affecting girls between 6 to 18 months of age. The leading cause for this disorder is a genetic mutation on the MECP2 gene. The symptoms vary in severity through stages, but they include: slowed growth because the brain does not grow properly resulting in a smaller head, loss of hand movement so they rub or wring their hands together, loss of language skills so they can develop social anxiety, poor muscle control and coordination and respiratory problems which can cause seizures and hyperventilation. Find out more on Rett’s Syndrome
What is Pervasive Developmental Disorder?
PDD is often confused with PDD-NOS which stands for Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, as PDD is a separate disorder. People with PDD have the set of symptoms someone on the spectrum would have such as avoiding eye contact, inability to express themselves through language, a high or flat-pitched tone of voice, repetitive behaviour patterns like tapping, hair twirling or foot tapping and struggle with regulating emotion leading to emotional breakdowns, anxiety or aggressive tantrums.
What is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder?
CCD, also referred to Regressive autism, Heller’s syndrome or disintegrative psychosis, is a rare condition with only 1.7 out of 100,000 cases affected. It is a severe or sudden reversal in language, social function and motor skills. Children between the ages of 2 to 10, who had shown healthy development lose skills such as self-care, receptive and expressive language skills, play skills, motor skills and control over their bowel and bladder. This condition also shows repetitive behaviour and interest patterns.
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Advanced Assessments - Psychologists for Legal, Education and Employment
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We work throughout the UK
UK: +44 208 200 0078 Emergencies: +44 7071 200 344
Advanced Assessments - Expert Witnesses & Psychologists, 4th Floor, 49 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1JT
180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9ER
Also at: Westhill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 9 Swain's Lane, London N6 6QS
Please do not attend our office if you do not have an appointment
Twitter: @ExpertWitness_
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